school for workers

Membership Mobilization
Through Art

A two-day workshop for union activists with
Labor Cartoonist Mike Konopacki

Wednesday & Thursday
September 14 & 15, 2011

University of Wisconsin Extension School For Workers
610 Langdon St., Rm. 422 Madison, WI 53703
Phone Number: 608.262.2112 - Fax Number: 608.265.2391

wis flag


rebel flag

Explore ways to tap the artistic talent within ourselves and among our members. Learn how to utilize the power of art to parody our opponents.

Membership Mobilization Through Art

This innovative new class, featuring and designed by internationally renowned labor cartoonist Mike Konopacki, will help labor leaders and other activists understand how art can become an important tool in mobilizing our base and our allies. We will address such questions as how do we tap the artistic talent among our members, how do we utilize the power that art has to parody our opponents, and how can we utilize art to get more rank and file involvement in our organizations.
The class offers hands-on-training for the artistically inclined, as well as for those who are not. Participants will learn:

- The rich history of labor cartooning & labor posters
- Strategic and tactical planning and the effective use of art
- The 1st Amendment and the right of parody
- Examples of workplace parody
- Differences between parody and satire
- Brainstorming your own parody art
- How to unleash grass roots creativity
- Creating your own parody art
- Parody art & corporate campaigns
- Creating political art
- Hands-on collage workshop


For more information: School For Workers

CEUs: 1.3 toward School for Workers Collective Bargaining Certificate

Registration deadline: August 15

This program begins at 8:00 a.m. Wednesday with registration. It concludes Thursday at 4:00 p.m.

Fee: $345.00 if you register by August 15 ($375 after August 15)

Location: Pyle Center
This is a campus conference center located at 702 Langdon Street in downtown Madison. Lodging is available at the Lowell Center 610 Langdon Street. Commuter parking is nearby at the Lake Street Ramp.

©2011 Mike Konopacki, MFA
Member UFAS AFT Local 223

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