For The Record

Tax/Reconciliation H.R. 2015

The House passed the Tax Reconciliation Bill that gives extensive tax benefits to wealthy individuals and corporations.

The bill also amends the tax code to allow employers to reclassify millions of employees as “Independent Contractors.”*

Voting right —against the bill — were Congressmen: Kind; Kleczka; Barrett; Obey; and Johnson.

Voting wrong — for the bill — were Congressmen: Neumann; Klug; Petri; and Sensenbrenner.

* After action in the Senate, a revised version of this bill removed the independent contractor language. For more on Independent Contractors in the construction industry, see “Independent Contractor bill makes misclassification problem worse,” The Wisconsin Laborer, Summer 1997.


Wisconsin Congressional Directory

US Senators

Herb Kohl (800) 247-5645
Russ Feingold (202) 224-5323

Congressional Representatives

1st District-Mark Neumann, (414) 654-1901

2nd District-Scott Klug, (608) 257-9200

3rd District-Ron Kind, (608) 782-3444 (La Crosse)

4th District-Gerald Kleczka
(414) 297-1140 (Milwaukee) / (414) 549-6360 (Waukesha)

5th District-Tom Barrett, (414) 297-1331

6th District-Thomas Petri
(414) 922-1180 (Fond du Lac) / (414) 231-6333 (Oshkosh)

7th District-Dave Obey, (715) 842-5606

8th District-Jay Johnson, (414) 430-1776

9th District-James Sensenbrenner, (414) 784-1111

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